Prehistoric activities

How did prehistoric people light their fires? What hunting techniques did they use? In order to discover our ancestor’s life style, our guides invite you every day to attend our various outdoor demonstrations and workshops.

Summer holidays


Crea'Magnon workshop

Re-live Prehistory and try out our ancestors' techniques. Every day, a different workshop is proposed (parietal art, pottery, hunting, etc.) Transform yourself into a Cro-Magnon and leave with your creation!
Monday : leather purse / Sunday : cave painting / Wednesday and Friday : necklace making / Monday, Thursday and Saturday : Neolithic pottery.
Everyday at 10.15. Duration : 1.15. Extra charge : 5€ per person. Adult and child can take part in the workshop. Free for accompanying parent. This workshop is only in french.

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Démonstration les Secrets du feu ©S.Baur

The secrets of fire demonstration

Rediscover our ancestors' skills! Our activities team invites you to a fire-making demonstration, featuring various prehistoric techniques. Be it using percussion techniques or using a bow-drill, admire the magical appearance of the flame!
Free access, included in the Grand Site pass. Only in French. Duration : 30 min.


Prehistoric hunting workshop

Discover the reconstitution of prehistoric weapons and learn to hunt with assegai spears and a lance thrower. Who will hit the mouflon target and eat tonight?
All afternnon. Free access, included in the Grand Site pass. Only in French. Duration : 30 min. Open to all (from 7).


Flint knapping demonstration

Do you know the connection between geometry and rocks? It's the art of making stone tools! Forget the cliché of our ancestors simply smashing rocks together—our guide will introduce you to the different tools crafted during Prehistory and the precise techniques used to create them. It's more about mathematics than muscle! Need to scrape a hide? A quick touch-up on a flake turns it into a scraper. Need to cut meat? A handaxe is the tool of choice. But what types of stone were used? Where did they come from? And how long have humans been making stone tools? Find out at our flintknapping demonstration!
Only in French. Duration : 30 min. Open to all.
Every afternoon. Free access, included with the Grand Site pass.

Autumn holidays

Démonstration les Secrets du feu ©S.Baur

The secrets of fire demonstration

Rediscover our ancestors' skills! Our activities team invites you to a fire-making demonstration, featuring various prehistoric techniques. Be it using percussion techniques or using a bow-drill, admire the magical appearance of the flame!
Free access, included in the Grand Site pass. Only in French. Duration : 30 min.

Mercredi et samedi : Atelier peinture rupestre

Crea'Magnon workshop

Immerse yourself in Prehistory by experimenting the techniques of our ancestors. Discover what they were able to do with the materials found in nature around them. And then it's off to play: making pretty beads from seashells, making paint from ochre or charcoal, modelling a lovely clay bowl...
There's a different workshop everyday: prehistoric jewellery, leather purses, Neolithic painting or pottery.

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